Mother's Day Coffee Mug with Sculpey Project

Level: Beginner

What you'll need:

  • Coffee mug
  • Sculpey Polymer clay (Various colours)
  • Rolling pin
  • Craft knife
  • Wax paper or parchment paper
  • Acrylic roller (Optional)
  • Oven-safe tray
  • Oven
  • Small oven thermometer (Optional)


Step 1: Gather Inspiration

Before starting, decide on the design you want for your coffee mug. You can find inspiration online, or come up with your own unique ideas.

Step 2: Clean the Mug

Ensure your coffee mug is clean and free of any oils or residue. Wash it with soap and water, and let it dry completely.

Step 3: Choose Sculpey Clay Colours

Select the colours of polymer clay you'll need for your design. Knead each colour to soften it and make it more pliable.

Step 4: Roll Out Clay

Place a sheet of wax paper on your work surface to prevent sticking. Take one colour of polymer clay and roll it into a thin sheet using a rolling pin. You can use an acrylic roller for an even thickness.

Step 5: Cut Out Shapes

Using a craft knife, cut out the shapes needed for your design. You can make intricate details or simple shapes, depending on your preference. Repeat this process for each colour of clay you're using.

Step 6: Apply Clay to Mug

Carefully place the cut-out clay pieces onto the surface of the mug, pressing them gently to adhere. Layer the pieces to create your desired design. Smooth the seams between the pieces with your fingers.

Step 7: Bake in Oven

Preheat your oven according to the instructions on your polymer clay package. Place the mug on an oven-safe tray and bake it according to the recommended temperature and time for the specific clay you're using. Use a small oven thermometer to ensure an accurate temperature.

Step 8: Cool and Seal

Once baked, allow the mug to cool completely before handling. Once cooled, you can optionally seal the polymer clay with a clear varnish or sealant to protect the design.

Step 9: Enjoy Your Custom Mug

Your polymer clay coffee mug is now ready to use! Hand wash the mug to preserve the clay design, as prolonged exposure to water and heat in a dishwasher may damage the clay.

Feel free to get creative with your designs and experiment with different techniques to make a truly unique coffee mug!



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